FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Noel Brohner from Slow Rise Pizza and Justin DeLeon from Apollonia’s Pizzeria to appear on KCAL 9 CBS Los Angeles for National Pizza Day 2023.
UPDATE: We discussed a lot of things including how Noel Brohner got his start teaching home bakers to make pizza online both on Zoom and on-demand, what equipment and ingredients home pizza makers need to make awesome pizza at home aside from flour, water, salt and yeast.
Then Justin De Leon shows us how to open a dough ball. Finally, Noel gets to talk about Pizza City Fest LA, a live pizza festival he’s helping to present on April 23 & 30 at LA Live in Downtown Los Angeles.
Thanks to KCAL 9 CBS Los Angeles for inviting us to be on their morning show for National Pizza Day 2023.
Slow Rise Pizza has been given permission to repost this video on social media through the generosity of the producers at at KCAL 9 CBS News Los Angeles. ©2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.